Weekly Group Class Schedule

(In person & Online)

Private Classes

Private classes are an excellent way to learn yoga or develop your existing practice if you are seeking a more intensive, personalised one-on-one programme.

Suitable for those with time constraints that don’t allow for attendance to a regular class or for those who prefer to learn in their own space and time.

Ideal also for pregnancy perhaps in later stages or if you have specific areas you would like to focus on and develop. Or Postnatally when you are looking to fit in yoga with a newborn.

Virginia is an intuitive and responsive practitioner who will attune to your needs whatever they may be.


  • "Virginia takes the care to pick up exactly what is needed".

    Private Yoga Client, London

  • "I've been practicing yoga for many years in group classes and private sessions. Virginia stands out as a exceptional teacher. Knowledgeable, dedicated and observes well".

    - Private Yoga Client, London

  • "She is inspiring, her sessions stay with me long after she has left".

    Private Yoga Client, London

Hey, I’m Virginia.

I am based in Yorkshire offering Yoga, Birth & Postpartum Doula Support & Reiki. I offer a discreet & reliable service for all clients, providing a kind, caring and supportive environment. I look forward to meeting you. x


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