Yoga for Every Body

Yoga for Every Body.

What is Yoga?

  • Improve strength, flexibility, coordination and balance physically and mentally

  • Increase muscular endurance

  • Manage stress - Relax you

  • Reduce stress, anxiety and depression - Improves mental health

  • Improves posture

  • Correct breathing - leading to energy and vitality

  • Decrease aches and pains eg lower back pain, shoulder pain etc

  • Increase confidence

  • Bring mindful movement into your life

  • Improve sleep deficiency, total sleep time and how quickly you fall asleep

  • Balance metabolism

  • Protection from injury

  • Cardio and circulatory health

  • Safe for pregnancy and postpartum rehabilitation (+6 weeks postpartum)

  • Can ease arthritis symptoms

  • Help with pelvic floor issues

  • Self care routine

Yoga in Sanskirt, the ancient Indian yogic language, translates as ‘to yoke’ or ‘union’. Several thousands of years old and originally a meditation practice only, yoga has evolved over centuries. Yoga is to ‘unite’ body, mind and spirit or soul and this is done through disciplined practices including pranayama (breathwork), asana (physical movement/postures) and mediation. Yoga is a process oriented system which looks as the being as a whole, aiming to bring balance and harmony into ones life promoting health and wellbeing. During the last century yoga has evolved and today you may have heard of many styles of yoga including Hatha, Iyengar, Kundalini, Ashtanga, Yin, Jnana, Viniyoga to name a few. Each one focusing on a different aspect or outcome. Yoga is not a religion and is non-dogmatic, it is a science or spiritual technology - a physical and spiritual practice.

vedic texts…eight limbs…chakras…addiction stress etc … my client base…what styles I teach, the breath, grounding, stillness

Yoga can help:

Hey, I’m Virginia.

I am based in Yorkshire offering Yoga, Birth & Postpartum Doula Support & Reiki. I offer a discreet & reliable service for all clients, providing a kind, caring and supportive environment. I look forward to meeting you. x


“In the “now” begins the authentic experience of yoga”

— The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book 1, Sutra 1

Virginia holds a safe, nurturing and magical space integrating her approach of Asana (physical movement/posture), Pranayama and Meditation &Guided Relaxation .

She fully believes in the supportive and healing benefits of yoga and meditation to support physical health, trauma and addiction recovery, as well as life’s everyday demands.

Her primary focus aim is for healing and integration – for her to enable her clients to re-connect with themselves whilst building mental and physical strength and flexibility.

Virginia Walker Yoga Method.

My style of teaching is perfect for those looking to learn or develop their yoga practice within a safe and nurturing one-to-one environment or in group classes. I welcome those who have never set foot on a mat before.

Part of my specialist practice includes yoga for prenatal and postpartum women, no matter how much or little experience you may have had, my gentle and intuitive approach to pregnancy yoga can support your wellbeing and body for the preparation of, and during pregnancy.

I believe yoga is for every body or… everybody, read that as you will. A practice which can be adapted and modified to meet the needs of the client. I mainly teach 1:1 private sessions however I do teach a few studio classes in person and online, please see timetable. I teach the principles of Hatha Yoga, adapting as necessary for my main client base of age 50+, prenatal and postnatal clients. I have a passion for the rebalancing and energising benefits of yoga for mind, body and soul – alignment, balance, connection and movement being key. The exploration of The Chakra system (the subtle body) and Ayurveda (the ancient science of life) are incorporated into my teachings along with the ancient Indian text - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Patanjali refers to The Eight limbed path of yoga, a path leading to liberation and enlightenment.


  • "Virginia takes the care to pick up exactly what is needed".

    Private Yoga Client, Yorkshire

  • "I've been practicing yoga for many years in group classes and private sessions. Virginia stands out as a exceptional teacher. Knowledgeable, dedicated and observes well".

    - Private Yoga Client, North London

  • "She is inspiring, her sessions stay with me long after she has left".

    Private Yoga Client, West London

Specialist Yoga Practices I Offer:

Hatha Yoga.

An ancient method that uses the practice of asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation to strengthen weaknesses within and remove any blockages and stress in the body which lead to ill health or dis-ease. ‘Ha’ means Sun and ‘tha’ Moon. This is the Sun/Moon yoga, balancing the body and mind so to restore harmony. We can then breathe freely and deeply leading us to explore the pranayama aspect, preparing the body and mind for mediation. Many of the styles of yoga we hear of today are derived from Hatha Yoga.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga.

Vinyasa flow yoga is a contemporary yoga practice different in style from Hatha yoga and characterised by the smooth flow in the transitions between asanas (poses).

Coordination between breath and movement is developed in this highly popular yoga style.

Yoga Nidra.

Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep as it is sometimes referred to is the practice of entering in to a semi-lucid or dreamlike state prior to sleep and maintaining deep calm breaths in a deeply relaxed, meditative manner.

Ideal for anyone looking to find calm and balance from a busy lifestyle.

Prenatal Yoga.

Working with those starting to think about preparing to conceive and those who are pregnant (+12 weeks)

Postnatal Yoga.

Ideal for those wanting to safely bring in movement, strengthening and stretching after birth; with an emphasis on rehabilitation for the core and pelvic floor. (+6 weeks postpartum)

Private Classes

Private classes are an excellent way to learn yoga or develop your existing practice if you are seeking a more intensive, personalised one-on-one programme.

Suitable for those with time constraints that don’t allow for attendance to a regular class or for those who prefer to learn in their own space and time.

Ideal also for pregnancy perhaps in later stages or if you have specific areas you would like to focus on and develop. Or Postnatally when you are looking to fit in yoga with a newborn.

Virginia is an intuitive and responsive practitioner who will attune to your needs whatever they may be.


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